dinsdag 22 juli 2014

22 July 2014


The movie clip is showing big flowers fake lotus flowers but somehow splendid
I played different Hindi songs while we finished the curry
I realized I'm not such a good cook as my mother
And than I found the song I really loved

my favourite song from over there....
I realized how many songs my mother send me when I was in Tel Aviv
quite nice of her

I still have the pills from Tel Aviv, they really help against stomach age
Amit is friend there but also has a hindi signification

By the way sorry for all my spelling mistakes
and jokes with language that in the end are reminding me of the mouse in the kitchen
Trippling around eating chestnuts because it wants to have a bigger brain
So you? Would you like to be smart? Do you think your intelligent?
Perhaps I am patronizing you? mmmm? Yes so what?
Who gives a fuck?

Okay so anyway I love the flower that carries my name
I would slowly like to transform in to one
On the pound your pound slowly
transform into a nereida
Woman of the lotus flower
So my fingers would each carry the petal of the flower on the water
Victoria Regia in a lake by the amazon

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