donderdag 21 augustus 2014

14 August 2014

Girl you dont know much

She did not know the difference between a regular coffee and a coffee machiatto

How do you make a coffee machiatto?

She stared at us as if the question was very odd

People sleeping under blankets

the bus station
Back in Sao Paulo

Mummies around 5 o clock

Soon they would wake up

I had to go

A rush of adrenaline flourished through my body

The man next to me called someone

again he kept ringing people in the bus

Well I tried to unwrapp myseld of my rain clothing

I accidently sat next to him in my underwear

quickly I covered myself with clothes

Than he talked about salsa or some other dance

I assumed he was calling different women

I asked him after some hours

Sin sonido por favor?

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