zondag 10 augustus 2014

3 August 2014

Is that your wedding dress? No it is a dress with a pineapple

I discovered that there is no ground on my feet

No ground on my feet

Im in a liquid substantion


Pulls me back quite strongly

A two meter high wave covers my head
Sea pulls me back strongly again

I got water in my nose

The dark matters of the art

Darum wert es als dark matter

Das kann das sind intiatives and self organisiert

It so in between something

I swim back to the shore as fast as I could

Later they put a sign, dangerous current

You are far away

We are like 19 years old and call the guy in our class uncle

Im embarresed but in away I feel kinda young

I sit in front of the sailing boat with my foot interwined in the robes of the boat

Like a statue overlooking the sea

not able to speak or move in wathever way

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