vrijdag 15 januari 2016

15 January 2016

From the dark sight of the night
One night with you my China blue

I thought I had stopped this
Its been going on for a long time now
Like a bloody addiction
Bloody smog of the city
Capture me and let me go
Let me breathe

The night had past written letters passing by
I still hear the vibration of your voice
in the background of the tunes you played
when we hang out in the bathroom for 4 hours
the vibration of your voice and the thrilling letters

Can you  China blue me in Delhi
Can you ask me

It has been long ago that I had settled
now painting with blue chemicals
I saw my feet turned blue
Saturating me

Had I have been that blue
that right tone of blue you could have
been a bit more patient
Patience blue thrilling background of deep house
Deep blue in the grey of the smog
Absorbe me
Never let me go

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